Irish Book Corner invite you to celebrate our new releases and sample some Irish whiskey from the producers of Grace O’Malley whiskey.
Grace O’Malley Irish Whiskey
Grace O’Malley Whiskeys are brave, bold and irresistible. Inspired by the many stories from Granuaile’s long and fascinating life, the producers of Grace O’Malley Whiskey aim to ensure her legend lives on and her great, rebellious heart is never forgotten. We are delighted that Grace O’Malley Whiskey is able to contribute to our celebration with a tasting of the liquid gold. Sláinte!
Photo Wall Calendar - limited edition
Kate Amber has often been asked if she would create a photo wall calendar just like the one she did in 2018. So, she has now created one for 2023 which is now available. Again, she had used her own photographs to bring the Irish landscape and whiskey together, enriching each piece with wee drop of information about Irish whiskey.
Audio Book of ‘Chocolate for Breakfast’
Annette Dunne wrote in 2021 a collection of short stories ‘chocolate for breakfast’ and this year she had the amazing experience of converting her short Stories into an audio book.
Join us to celebrate the launch and sample for whiskey, as Tricia Holbrook hosts the event where the authors will be present to read and sign copies of their work. So bring along your book – or calendar - and get it signed by the author. Copies of the books and calendar will also be available for purchase on the night.
For more information, please contact
Today we introduce you a new Short Story from Annette Dunne, Author of the story compilation 'chocolate for breakfast'
Any minute now something will happen, so they just sat there, muttering under their breath afraid to break the fragile silence that surrounded them, an occasional cough, there’s always someone who coughs, a short tickly one, or a deep guttural one, either way disconcerting.
The seats creaked as people took their place in the semi-darkness, the light was poor, eerie, as they stared at the empty stage and when the coughing eased the seats rattled on, some snapping upwards half way, or maybe they were creaking anyway through the unease that was taking over the faltering silence.
I stole a glance at the woman beside me rummaging in her handbag, making little searching sounds, sighing, the man sitting on the other side of her muttering under his breath, “God’s sake woman, get on with it.”
“Oh, excuse me,” she said as she turned away and stared up at the empty stage, one tree standing alone, one balloon moon, totally out of proportion to the stark backdrop.
I watched her surrupticiously as she started rummaging in her bag again, this time lowering her head almost right into it.
Oh god, she’s going to get sick, I thought, oh god, oh no, and I kept eyeing her as she slowly raised her head when the actors came on stage, a smile lingering on her face in the dimmed light as she screwed the lid back on to the bottle in her handbag and sighed a contented little smile that brought with it a subtle whiff of brandy that lingered in the air and made me think of Christmas and the Christmas cake and the Remi Martin spilled over the plum pudding in muted candle light flickering into a fragile flame that slowly petered out.
We sat still. Waited in silence.
A remembered image of hope, and make-believe, and courage that produced its own drama until it faded, disappearing into itself.
As I left the theatre that night I lingered in the foyer where the actors gathered in noisy huddles, changing their image back into reality, laughing, clinking their glasses, leaning against the Bar, one eye casting a glance at the straggling audience who nodded and smiled and moved on. I stayed in the background watching them, hoping he would appear.
It was his voice I told myself that enthralled me that made me move over to where he was leaning against the Bar, half watching the audience as they slipped by nodding if they nodded their appreciation and I thought for a fleeting moment he looked my way an enigmatic smile hovering on his face. Maybe not and I moved out of sight afraid to intrude on the actors’ space, but I faltered again and lingered at the stage door not knowing what I would say if he came by, I would thank him, tell him it was an enthralling production, that he was wonderful, so engaging …
“ Ah, there you are,” a voice behind me said, “ this was supposed to be our last night but
they’ve decided to do one more show, due to public demand ….you must come along and sit
in the front row this time to remind me of yourself…
“But I …”
“Just turn up,” he said, “ slip in by the stage door, my mother does that all the time, and
then make up a story.”
I did turn up the following evening, and the stage door was unlocked, but there was no one around until one of the cleaners emerged “Oh sorry, I didn’t think there was anyone here,” and she stood back and smiled,
“I will be here for another little while if you need any help. Just shout, my name is Molly.”
Annette Dunne
Autumn news from Irish Book Corner
“The heat of autumn is different from the heat of summer. One ripens apples, the other turns them to cider.”
Jane Hirshfield, The Heat of Autumn
News from ...
Kate Amber
I've often been asked if I would create a photo wall calendar like the one I did in 2018. So, I listened and created one for 2023 which will be available from the end of October. Again, I have used my own photographs to bring the Irish landscape and whiskey together, enriched with little information about Irish whiskey. Sláinte!
Tricia Holbrook
This year I had the amazing experience of converting my two novels ‘Irish CoCo’ and ‘Secret Lives Hurt’ into audio books.
For this I have to thank Kate for all the technical stuff. She knows just how bad I am at all that stuff. I didn’t really know what to expect but it was an incredible experience. I just sat in front of the machines and read out loud. I tried to read as if I was reading it for the first time and it worked, and I enjoyed the experience so much. I was just lost in the story, but with the added advantage of knowing exactly how I wanted it to come across to the reader. At one stage in books, I felt a tear come to my eye, not bad considering at that stage I must have read each one about a thousand times.
During this whole experience Kate fed and watered me as I had to take many breaks over many days. And when you get fed by Kate it is another experience, everything is natural, healthy and good for me.
We then took on the challenge of me reading Kate’s book ‘The Irish Whiskey Guide’. While reading this from the comfort of Kate’s apartment I went on a journey throughout the whole of Ireland, tasting whiskey as I went.
I am looking forward now to being able to convert ‘House Share’, my new novel, to an audio book.
Autumn Events
“The heat of autumn is different from the heat of summer. One ripens apples, the other turns them to cider.”
Jane Hirshfield, The Heat of Autumn
Happy October!
So, let’s start the month with some news.
The last few months we have worked very hard in converting our books to audio books. Tricia not only put her story on paper but has now also brought the story to life with her voice. That is, she has lent her voice to her own books Irish CoCo and Secret Lives Hurt, but also to Kate Amber’s Ireland's Whiskey Guide.
Of her first experience to record her work, Tricia explained: “I just sat in front of the machines and read out loud. At one stage in books, I felt a tear come to my eye, not bad considering at that stage I must have read each one about a thousand times.”
The Books go live on 3th November, with more details to be found on our social media pages or the website
Thursday, 3rd of November 2022 at 18:30 Launch of the Audiobook versions of ‘Irish CoCo’ and ‘Secret Lives Hurt’ written and narrated by Tricia Holbrook, and the publication of ‘A Wee Drop of Whiskey’ wall calendar for 2023 by Kate Amber. Rody Bolands, 12-14 Rathmines Rd Upper, Rathmines, Dublin
Thursday, 24th November 2022 at 18:30 Launch of the Audiobook versions of ‘Chocolate for Breakfast’ written and narrated by Annette Dunne, and Kate Amber’s ‘Irish Whiskey Guide’, narrated by Tricia Holbrook. Wicklow Golf Club, Dunbur Rd, Corporation Lands, Wicklow
February 2023 sees the launch of Tricia Holbrook’s third novel, ‘House Share.’ Check our social media pages and for details closer to the date…
Friday, 3rd March 2023, join us for to celebrate Irish Whiskey Day. Time and Venue to be confirmed.
Irish Book Corner Celebrate - new Photo Calendar - from Kate Amber - and Audiobooks from Tricia Holbrook
Join us to celebrate the launch and meet us for a short talk and book signing with Tricia and Kate. Tricia and Kate will be present to read and sign copies. Bring your book and get it signed by Tricia and Kate. Copies of the Book will also be available for purchase on the night. For more information, please contact
Tickets available here
Thu, 3 November 2022, 18:30 – 21:30
Book launch - SECRET LIVES HURT - Tricia Holbrook
Open Mic & Art Exhibition
new release - 19th November
Tricia Holbrook - SECRET LIVES HURT!
Wendy Jenkins returns to Dublin from her life in Spain following a phone call from her
brother imparting news of their mother’s heart attack.
Her mother is highly agitated. She instructs Wendy to find hidden letters and requests
forgiveness for her romantic indiscretions. In following her mother’s dying wishes Wendy
discovers a father she never knew existed.
Nick Jones – a man of the utmost importance in her mother’s secret life – loses both his wife
and his lover in the same week. He comes face to face with his daughter Wendy, whose life
he has only followed through photographs, over the last thirty-five years
After meeting with her father, Nick discloses to Wendy the story of a doomed love affair.
Wendy realises she is more like her mother than she ever knew.
Participating artists raise funds for hospice under the Harold’s Cross Dublin umbrella
2021 09 08 Wicklow People - Charity Wicklow Hospice
2021 09 01 Wicklow People - Irish CoCo Book launch
First radio interview Tricia Holbrook - Irish CoCo - EstCoast Radio with broadcaster Declan Meehan. Friday, 20th August
First radio interview Tricia Holbrook - Irish CoCo - EstCoast Radio with broadcaster Declan Meehan. Friday, 20th August
Irish Book Corner invite you to a book launch with art exhibition!
Debut novel "Irish Coco" takes readers back to the ‘70s filled with love, sex, drugs and resurfacing lost connections
Author Tricia Holbrook has released her debut novel, Irish CoCo, published by the Irish Book Corner.
A world explorer, storyteller, and expert on precious metal coins, Tricia has published short stories and fiction pieces across various outlets. She is a member of several writing groups, including Cafe Writers and Wicklow Writers. Having spent many years working in coin collection and precious metals around the globe, Tricia has met many people from all walks of life who inspire the depth of her characters in Irish CoCo.
This novel takes readers back to the 1970s in Dublin and London, with the story of CoCo Higgins, a young Irish girl who was abandoned by her mother at the age of nine. She is brought up by a reclusive father, who is tormented by memories of his wife. CoCo lives in the shadow of her father, a famous artist who rose to fame painting nude paintings of her mother. After following in her father’s footsteps as an artist at the same college he attended, she begins to learn the shadowy details of her parents’ pasts—leading her back to the woman who abandoned her all those years ago.
Irish CoCo is a story for women from all walks of life, touching on common themes like relationship with mothers, family dynamics, and the ongoing process of discovering one’s self.
“A great read – sassy and entertaining. A story told with compassion and wit.”
“Following CoCo’s journey of self-discovery from her sheltered existence in Dublin to the excitement and sophistication of London in the 70’s brought this time alive for me again”
Debut novel "Ireland’s Whiskey Guide" celebrates the country’s long history of Whiskey
Debut novel "Ireland’s Whiskey Guide" celebrates the country’s long history of Whiskey
Author Kate Amber has released her debut novel, Ireland’s Whiskey Guide, a comprehensive travel and whiskey guide published by the Irish Book Corner.
This book is for whiskey enthusiasts, locals, or tourists who want to gain a deeper delve into the wonderful world of Ireland’s whiskey and distilleries. From the small distilleries, to the larger, well-known ones, Kate takes the readers on an intricate journey touring Ireland’s whiskey distilleries––county by county, from the north of the country to the south––along with some pubs and restaurants specializing in whiskey. The book includes forgotten historical anecdotes of Ireland’s whiskey production, from its peak whiskey production to the near demise of Ireland’s whiskey sector.
Kate Amber is a photographer and creative storyteller. She is from Germany and moved to Ireland, where she became fascinated with the country’s culture, history, and of course, whiskey. She has lived in many places, sometimes for short periods, until she chose to settle in Ireland. Kate is a photographer and creative storyteller.
“Readers will gain insights into whiskey production and what it is that makes Irish whiskeys special.”
“Highly recommended.”
The Irish Book Corner publishing house supports local storytellers, highlighting their Work
The Irish Book Corner is seeking to support independent writers and storytellers publish their work. The Irish Book Corner is a small publishing house amid the rolling hills of Wicklow, also known as the garden of Ireland, that works with talented local creatives and storytellers.
If you have a great book idea but are unsure of how and where to start or have a developed work but need help getting it to the bookshelves, the Irish Book Corner is for you.
The small publishing house helps writers take their first steps towards publication and guides them through the process of writing, editing, and marketing a book––making sure it reaches relevant and wide audiences. The publishing house works across parts of the publication process, including editing and proofreading, book formatting, cover design, publishing consultations, as well as advice and support regarding sales, marketing, and social media outreach.
Irish Book Corner works to support authors in creating a successful, high-quality publication that is available internationally, online as an Ebook, and in print. By eliminating the red tape to help authors avoid costly mistakes, the Irish Book Corner helps authors avoid the many common (but painful and expensive) mistakes that new authors often face.
Established in January 2021, the Irish Book Corner has supported the work of three authors in publishing their books, including Irish CoCo, Ireland’s Whiskey Guide, and Chocolate for Breakfast.